What do you do when you get the best toy ever? Yes, you sit down, play and hope the world can cope without you for a while ... learning a new program and at the same time trying to create compelling artwork can be quite scary, especially with so much amazing work out there already, so I thought to document my journey and first steps, even if it's not quite as polished. The big question was:
Which brush to try out first?
To get started, I used a sketch I'd drawn a while ago and imported with Adobe Capture ... I used it as a mask to be able to just play with the brushes, try them and experiment.
As it is October, my next step was to draw a simple pumpkin, but use the different brushes to create masks, and try out different styles.
Moving on to experimenting with the basic default pencil ... I love that you can just add layer after layer without ruining the paper.
Here is the vector brush version of it:
To experiment with the oil colours I painted this blob and photshopped it onto my outside wall.
Thank you for looking - and please let me know how you got on using Fresco - I'd love to hear your story!